
I Loves My Mommy!

Yesterday I get up, and me and mom were supposed to go shopping. We were supposed to go to a thrift store, actually. I wanted to scope out some things for eBay. And she wanted to go to the fabric store.. of course. So I get to their house, and she says 'lets go to Wal-mart first'. So I'm like.. okay. I didn't mind, it was nice to get out and go shopping with her.
And on the way there we start to talk about LCD TV's. Which we have before. And she asks if I'd be happy with one from someplace like wal-mart, or if they should instead try Best Buy or something. And I told her i'd be happy with one from anywhere. It's not like I'm picky about that kind of thing.
So we get to Wal-Mart, and she makes her way back to electronics department. And she tells me to pick a tv. Huzzah!
So we looked them all over.. and I compared them all. And we decided on this really nice Polaroid television. HD, LCD all that. See?

(Click on the pic to see the full size)
It's a Christmas present, but she gave it to me early. How much do I love this TV? But like with most things, there's a small hang up.

I get the TV into my car (the guy who helped me load it thought of a clever way to do it without one of us having to sit on the roof on the way home). I get it home.. and I lug the thing up the steps to my apartment. And this TV is heavy.. easily as heavy as the monster of a TV I have now. And the box doesn't really have any good handholds on it. Sucks. So I ginally get it into the house and I crack the box open. Take it all out, and start assembling the lil stand. And I'm sweating like a whore in church.. it's so humid. I get it together.. grab all the lil plastic packs it came with (had wires and insturctions and such in them).. and I haul it into my room. Get it all hooked up the way it should be.. sit down to get the remote control out of the plastic bag. Uh.. remote control? I look through the lil plastic packs, through the wires, and nothing. Oh I'm pissed now. I look through the box again, around where I unpacked it, even backtracked to my car. Nothing. Crap..
So I can't really watch TV on my TV yet because without the remote, I can't program the TV to watch it. Ugh. So I call up Polaroid to order a new one.. and of course they'll give it to me free, and I should get it in 7-10 days. Crap..
So I try to use the universal remote I have with it, maybe it can be used in the meantime. I look through the code book.. no Polaroid TV. I get online to the site for the remote.. no code. It turns out Polaroid TV's can only be used with a Polaroid remote.. and you can't buy them in stores. Now if I had known that, I don't think I woulda bought a Polaroid TV. But, I did and it's here. Now I can't watch TV on it, but I can still play games on it. And man do my games look friggin awesome on it. Just incredible.

So I'm thrilled with my new TV. Even more when I get the remote for it!!

1 comment:

a Pocket Angel said...

Jason, Oh my gosh!!! WoW! I can't believe you got a LCD TV how wonderful.. It looks great
It's so clear.I know where you live so you better watch out.
If it wasn't so darn heavy I'd think about taking it LOL..
Gee thats to bad about the darn
remote not being there!
Well enjoy playing with your games until it comes. Have fun!!
Mama ~Mary~:-}

About Me

So what about me.. I'm a geek. Born and bred. My mom often says I'm just a big kid. A.. a really big kid. I live in Massillon, Ohio. I like sketching, coloring on the comp, video games.. and all other things a self proclaimed geek would dig. Hi Nessa, Chris, Rua and Ash! And hi Mary! I'm currently unemployed, but workin hard to change that. Workin.. really hard. oi. Welcome to my blog!!